Tuesday, August 12, 2014


Residents of Minnesota are likely familiar with prenuptial agreements and the purpose they serve. These agreements are negotiated before marriage, and they often come into play if and when a couple divorces.

Prenuptial agreements are becoming relatively common amongst certain parts of the American population. However, there is a different agreement that may be new to many residents of Minnesota, but may apply to their living situation, specifically stay at home moms. This agreement is known as the postnuptial agreement.

A postnuptial agreement is created after a couple has married. Interestingly, research shows this type of agreement is on the rise with Americans. A 2012 survey showed 51 percent of divorce attorneys have noticed an increase in postnuptial agreements in the past three years and 36 percent noticed these agreements are being initiated by the wives.

Some are saying postnuptial agreements are important for women who have left a lucrative career to become a stay at home mom. This is significant because it is often difficult for mothers to regain their footing in the professional world after staying home with their children for several years. Family law statutes vary by state, and some argue these laws protect stay at home moms enough that they do not need a postnuptial agreement.

Given this state-by-state approach, it may be a good idea for couples considering a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement to speak with an experienced family law attorney. An attorney can help couples understand how such agreements can ease the divorce process should it occur, and he or she may be able to draft documents that specify how the couple would want certain family law issues resolved.

Source: The Daily Beast, "Why Stay-at-Home Moms Should Demand Postnuptial Agreements," Keli Goff, Dec. 3, 2013

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